Lucinda O'Mahony

Director, Connexion Consultancy;
MSc Child Protection & Welfare;
Post Grad Dip Health Services Management;
Dip Psychotherapy;
Professionally Certified TCI Trainer
Lucinda is Director of Connexion Consultancy based in Dublin. She has worked in the health, education and social care sectors for the last 20 years, both in Ireland and the UK. She began training TCI in 1999 and is a Professionally Certified TCI Trainer. Lucinda provides TCI training and implementation support to a variety of services across Ireland, including residential care, schools, community groups, foster care, homeless sector, disability services and mental health settings.
Contact Details:
Lucinda O’Mahony
Connexion Consultancy
Tel. (01) 857 2135
Mobile (087) 258 1527